Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Assorted Rants

Toyota Vehicles - What to do about runaway vehicles?

Simple fix, put a big airbag on the front end (outside the car), with a proximity initiator, and a free add-on package that has a kill-switch and an anchor.


Since no one seems sharp enough to put the car in neutral and turn off the ignition, perhaps Toyota should administer an IQ test before the sale is final.

Brilliant Comments (besides mine)

Nancy Pelosi – Let’s pass health care, then you can see what it says.

What if a car dealer said to you, let’s agree on you buying a car, you sign the paperwork, and then I’ll tell you and show you what you bought, and how much you’re going to pay. WELL HELL YEA, SIGN ME UP, DUH!!!!!

Home-Grown Terrorist

What do we do about home-grown terrorism? I'm talking about the Pennsylvania woman Colleen LaRose, otherwise known as “Jihad Jane”, and also known as Fatima LaRose. They should add to the list “Ugly-Ass Crazy Islamic Bitch from PA”. How should she be treated? Take her out in a field and shoot her, throw her body in a tree and let the buzzards eat the flesh from her bones. Might sound harsh but it’s really recycling. Buzzards have to eat too. OBTW, spend as little money as possible carrying it out. See if we can get a donated bullet and a loaned rifle. A footnote, give Swedish cartoonist Noble prize for Art.

Wake up America, they are all around us and growing in numbers. A Muslim who has not killed, has not been asked to yet. The term peaceful Muslim is an oxymoron. Read the Koran, it allows little room for interpretation. Convert the infidel, btw that’s anyone but them, and if he won’t, kill him. Murder is permissible in the furtherance of Islam. They demand all levels of tolerance from everyone else, and give none in return. Their Mosques are popping up all of the US and the world, but just to admission that you are a Christian in a Muslim nation, can get you killed, and no one blinks an eye. It is there way or the “Bye-way” as in bye bye.

Inappropriate Behavior?

Representative Eric Massa has stepped down under allegations of inappropriate groping and other crimes. I think the Obama administration was behind his ouster from the start. I mean we had a president who got a BJ in the oval office, and we now want to throw this fellow out of office because he touched a male staffer in and inappropriate manner. GIVE ME A BREAK, this is DC, where we just legitimized sodomy. The real story, that no one is picking up on, is the man’s name. Think about it, Massa. Do you think our black president ever wanted to risk being in the situation, where he would be engaged in a conversation with Rep Massa, and he would have to respond with “you are correct Massa”. Say it over and over again, and let it roll off your tongue a few times and you’ll see what I mean. Wasn’t going to happen. Had to go.

Gay D.C

Wow, isn’t it a proud moment when our nation's capitol passes/approves/permits gay marriage. What more appropriate place for two homosexuals to get hitched than the center of all that is evil in our nation. Where is there a higher concentration of graft, corruption, and all that is found appalling to God and God fearing people, than D.C.? Note to those in a position of leadership, the USA should have an alternate place of government selected (aside from the secret compound) so that when God gets totally sick and tired of us and does the “Sodom and Gomorrah” deal on DC we don’t have to completely shut down. We could then quickly select a completely new group of criminals and derelicts to step in and take over the job of driving our nation to “hell in a handbasket”.

What does the minister (or person perpetrating the act) call the newly joined couple (boy joined, that provide a visual doesn’t it). I now pronounce you; bungholer and bungholee, alternate lifestyle nimrods, sodomizer and sodomizee. In the case of the couple featured on the MSNBC website today over the phrase “Same-sex couples tie knot in D.C.” it could have simply been “ I now pronounce you ugly and uglier”. But then that raise the question of whether sodomy is legal in our nation capital. Must be, after all it happens everyday to the American taxpayers. We had a saying when I was on the USS Eisenhower, BOHICA, which stood for “bend over here it comes again”. That must be a term on endearment between gays.

The decision to allow gay marriage in DC would cause the founding fathers to roll over in their graves, but for the danger that exposing your rear creates.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Killer Whale run amok

OK you have a Killer Whale that is connected to the death of 3 people. Granted one idiot was drunk and sneeked in to the area and was found dead. No eye witness, and it would be a completely circumstantial evidence case, and it's difficult to convict a human being under those circumstances much less a whale. Eye witnesses of the latest incident say she was grabbed and pulled in, while Sea World reps initially said she fell in. They really love that darn whale. Why not let him go, you know "free Willy"....but noooo he's worth too much money for breeding purposes. Money, money, money, the heck with the safety of those working around him, he's too valuable. So we lose a human or two or three, we can't take the financial hit from getting rid of him.

I seldom take the PETA side to anything, and I haven't read anything to indicate they would be in favor of release, but I say let him go. He's seems to be aggressive enough to survive in the wild, haul his butt out to sea and dump him. If it were my wife that died I would sue and demand that the entire board of director's suit up and go for a swim with him. Of course I'd probably want to sew some mackerel or squid to the outside of their suits.

Bork, bork.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

R.I Teacher Firings

First the headline announced that all of the teachers Central Falls High School would be fired by year's end. Next the headline read "R.I Grad: It's not the teachers' fault". In between, within the articles, were statements that the state's powerful teachers' union would fight. Statistics listed in one of the articles stated among other things that:

  • Only 7% of 11th graders tested in the fall were proficient in math.
  • 33% were proficient in writing.
  • 55% were proficient in reading.
  • In 2008 only 52% graduated within 4 years and 30% dropped out.
If, as the R.I Grad stated, it's not the teachers' fault, then another statistic would be that 100% of the school age population is dumber than a box of rocks. Either that is the case or the school is full of a bunch of overpaid incompetents. That poses the question, are all the teachers' former Central High graduates. That could be the root of the problem.

The suggestion that the teachers put in some extra hours assisting students with no increase in pay, caused a walk-out by some students. The article quoted a 15 year old who was 1 of 4 who ran out a side door of the high school. These four are obviously at the top of their class in reading, they, after all, could read the exit sign. The teachers' union asked for more money. They want more money to do the job they are already being paid to do, and not accomplishing. Are they saying if you pay me more money I'll teach better? I've got it in me, but you don't pay me enough to do my best. That makes sense, I always enjoying paying the fellow to fix my car on the fourth attempt.

Oh well, it will probably all be played out in the courts. Given the high quality of education in R.I., I'm putting my money on the side that engages out of state lawyers.