Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Home-Grown Terrorist

What do we do about home-grown terrorism? I'm talking about the Pennsylvania woman Colleen LaRose, otherwise known as “Jihad Jane”, and also known as Fatima LaRose. They should add to the list “Ugly-Ass Crazy Islamic Bitch from PA”. How should she be treated? Take her out in a field and shoot her, throw her body in a tree and let the buzzards eat the flesh from her bones. Might sound harsh but it’s really recycling. Buzzards have to eat too. OBTW, spend as little money as possible carrying it out. See if we can get a donated bullet and a loaned rifle. A footnote, give Swedish cartoonist Noble prize for Art.

Wake up America, they are all around us and growing in numbers. A Muslim who has not killed, has not been asked to yet. The term peaceful Muslim is an oxymoron. Read the Koran, it allows little room for interpretation. Convert the infidel, btw that’s anyone but them, and if he won’t, kill him. Murder is permissible in the furtherance of Islam. They demand all levels of tolerance from everyone else, and give none in return. Their Mosques are popping up all of the US and the world, but just to admission that you are a Christian in a Muslim nation, can get you killed, and no one blinks an eye. It is there way or the “Bye-way” as in bye bye.

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