Friday, February 26, 2010

Killer Whale run amok

OK you have a Killer Whale that is connected to the death of 3 people. Granted one idiot was drunk and sneeked in to the area and was found dead. No eye witness, and it would be a completely circumstantial evidence case, and it's difficult to convict a human being under those circumstances much less a whale. Eye witnesses of the latest incident say she was grabbed and pulled in, while Sea World reps initially said she fell in. They really love that darn whale. Why not let him go, you know "free Willy"....but noooo he's worth too much money for breeding purposes. Money, money, money, the heck with the safety of those working around him, he's too valuable. So we lose a human or two or three, we can't take the financial hit from getting rid of him.

I seldom take the PETA side to anything, and I haven't read anything to indicate they would be in favor of release, but I say let him go. He's seems to be aggressive enough to survive in the wild, haul his butt out to sea and dump him. If it were my wife that died I would sue and demand that the entire board of director's suit up and go for a swim with him. Of course I'd probably want to sew some mackerel or squid to the outside of their suits.

Bork, bork.

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