Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Barrack Hussein Obama Wins and America Slides further down the Crapper.

“If you build it, they will come”, well if you promise free crap they will vote for you. And they want free crap so badly they will buy any argument. The economy was so badly damaged none could have fixed it. It’s all George Bush’s fault. My dog ate my homework. The man hasn’t done crap for the past three years but run for re-election, and yet one photo op with Christie where he promised a whole bunch of stuff to NY and New Jersey, and all of a sudden he’s a great leader. An exit poll question indicated that he was trusted over Romney to better handle foreign policy issues. This after he just got four people killed in Benghazi by refusing to increase security at the compound, and later to send aid, all while jetting off to Las Vegas to campaign. That doesn’t set the bar very high. But hey he’s gonna give me lots of free crap. Free crap that someone else pays for. Duh!!

When you analyze the outcome of the election you realize that we are now a one party system. Oh there are several parties that have candidates, but only one will ever win. If Barrack Hussein Obama could not be beat, no one could be. And why is that. Obama got 90 something percent of the black vote. That is a racist, skin color vote pure and simple. If whites had voted for Romney by that percentage we would have been declared racist. Blacks vote by that percentage and they have united behind a common goal. Obama won the majority of Hispanic voters. There is no move afoot to curb the influx of illegals so that segment will only grow. There is a certain percentage of white voters who are union and will vote democratic regardless of the candidate. The same can be said for whites who have always voted democratic and can’t change for any reason. Osama, were he alive, could run on the democratic ballot and win. There is speculation as to whether Joe Biden will run in 2016, which at first sounds crazy. But why not? Obama had a record to run on, a lousy one at that, and still got elected. Joe would have no record to hold him back, plus he will promise free crap.

If you believe the Bible, and I do, God appoints leaders over us. We get the leaders we deserve, not the ones we need necessarily. Time after time the Israelites would go against God and he would punish them through the leader he selected for them. Our nation has been turning away from God, and never more so than in the past four years. This election alone Maine and Maryland became the seventh and eighth states to allow same-sex couples to marry, an issue supported by Obama. Abortion is rampant and also supported by our newly re-elected president. Abortion is some of the free stuff he likes to provide. They want to give away free birth control pills so young women can have all the sex they want and when we have an “oops moment”, here’s your federally funded abortion to take of that little problem you have there. When you look at the sequence of events, things were looking good for Romney until hurricane Sandy. Sandy was the October surprise, as it was referred to by the media. In actuality Sandy was a God thing. It in turn presented Obama with the opportunity to appear presidential, and use Gov. Christie for a photo op and kind comments that was noted by a large number of voters in exit polling. All of a sudden Benghazi, which hadn’t been reported by the mainstream media to begin with, was off the front page and hurricane relief courtesy of Obama was the main topic. As previously noted, Obama had the black vote sewed up, Hispanics were in his corner, unions and lifelong democrats were there, and then the undecideds whites saw him appearing to care about the plight of those in the northeast and that put him over the top. I say appear to care because I truly believe he only cares for himself and getting reelected. That will become more and more apparent as his second term continues and he sets out to finish the job he started, that being the job of destroying the USA.
Days like today make me wish I had a flag pole in my front yard so that I could fly the flag at half-mast. It is truly a dark day for America.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Democratic Dysfunction

I have been away for some time, but who can resist commenting when you have the Democratic National Convention (DNC) as source material. Wow, what has happened to the party that I used to claim and that my mother and father always supported. Of course back when I was a democrat, I was so because my mother and father were, and I was too stupid to know better. Then I turned nine and changed party affiliations.

Well they were fired up in Charlotte. I hope everyone saw the vote to change the platform to add "God" and "Jerusalem as the capital of Israel". The measure required a 2/3rds majority to pass. After two voice votes that were about dead even, a lady stepped forward and whispered to the moderator to, in so many words, call for the vote, say it passed and let them do what they are going to do. Interesting to note as I watched on TV that some of those in opposition were wearing/holding "Arab American Democrat" shirts/signs. Hey now we know where the Jihadist vote is. Firmly behind their "closet Muslim" President.

Democrats, and the Justice Department, are also very upset about all the attempts by Republicans to limit the number of dead people who vote in this coming election and limit the number of times that a dead person, or anyone else for that matter, can vote. The concept of one person one vote seems foreign to the Democrats. When States have passed laws that require an photo ID to vote, those states have been sued by the Federal Government. Requiring a picture ID is too burdensome. When the Democrats offered for sale various souvenirs, they required people to prove they were democrats by, guess what, showing ID. You can't make this crap up.

Oh, then there is poor downtrodden Sandra Fluke. A young lady who, along with classmates, suffered financially because they could not get free birth control pills. Apparently Georgetown Law students are very sexually active and cannot be bothered to; a. buy their own, b. make the guy wear a condom, c. afford to purchase a condom to provide to their suitor, or d. abstain. Nuff said, I can't believe she was a main player. Barack Hussein Obama is only half finished with his quest to destroy the USA, he needs four more years to finish the job. And with idiotic support like Ms Fluke he just may succeed.

The last two nights had President Bill "Bubba" Clinton, Joe Biden and Obama himself onstage. Bubba gave a rousing speech about how no one, not him or any President every, (he didn't specify but I believe he included Batman, Superman and the entire Justice League), could have fixed the mess that George Bush created, in only four years. Thus Obama needs four more years, and then Hilliary will need at least four but more likely eight, and so on and so on. They will be blaming George Bush until the Lord returns. In fact if you can't get an erection it's probably not Erectile Dysfunction, and most likely George Bush's fault, and you probably qualify for free Viagra from Uncle Sam. I must admit I didn't listen to much that Clinton had to say, he's one of the biggest liars we had in the office. And after he used the Oval office as his personal romper room, I lost any respect I might have ever had for the man. Yet people embrace him and think he is one of the greatest that ever filled the position. He is a silver tongued devil. I mean anyone who can talk a person into doing what was done, where it was done, could sell ice to an Eskimo.

I saw a few minutes of Biden's sales pitch. When he conjured up the fake tears, getting all choked up over the sacrifice our Military has made (don't get me wrong, tears are justly deserved) I couldn't take any more. By the time Obama took the stage my BS full meter was pegged. I heard a report that he stated we are getting back to work. Well I'm sure the Federal Reserve and the Food Stamp printing presses are running overtime. Look at the numbers Mr. President, if they look good it's only because people have completely given up on looking for a job. 

I became a Republican long ago when I realized that they want me to succeed, and want me to better myself, so that I don't rely on the government to take care of me. The more I succeed the more taxes I pay. Sort of a win win situation. The Democrats want a few people to work and make a butt load of money, and pay a butt load of taxes, so that everyone else can be taken care of by the government. That way everyone being taken care of is quite likely to vote to keep he who is doing the taken care of, in office. In Obama's perfect world we'd have one guy making 400 gatrillion, bazillion, million dollars (that is a 4 and about 64 zeros), then we'd tax him at 99% and everyone else would sit on his butt and a be taken care of from cradle to grave, and do nothing but bitch because that guy wasn't making more money.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Assorted Rants

Toyota Vehicles - What to do about runaway vehicles?

Simple fix, put a big airbag on the front end (outside the car), with a proximity initiator, and a free add-on package that has a kill-switch and an anchor.


Since no one seems sharp enough to put the car in neutral and turn off the ignition, perhaps Toyota should administer an IQ test before the sale is final.

Brilliant Comments (besides mine)

Nancy Pelosi – Let’s pass health care, then you can see what it says.

What if a car dealer said to you, let’s agree on you buying a car, you sign the paperwork, and then I’ll tell you and show you what you bought, and how much you’re going to pay. WELL HELL YEA, SIGN ME UP, DUH!!!!!

Home-Grown Terrorist

What do we do about home-grown terrorism? I'm talking about the Pennsylvania woman Colleen LaRose, otherwise known as “Jihad Jane”, and also known as Fatima LaRose. They should add to the list “Ugly-Ass Crazy Islamic Bitch from PA”. How should she be treated? Take her out in a field and shoot her, throw her body in a tree and let the buzzards eat the flesh from her bones. Might sound harsh but it’s really recycling. Buzzards have to eat too. OBTW, spend as little money as possible carrying it out. See if we can get a donated bullet and a loaned rifle. A footnote, give Swedish cartoonist Noble prize for Art.

Wake up America, they are all around us and growing in numbers. A Muslim who has not killed, has not been asked to yet. The term peaceful Muslim is an oxymoron. Read the Koran, it allows little room for interpretation. Convert the infidel, btw that’s anyone but them, and if he won’t, kill him. Murder is permissible in the furtherance of Islam. They demand all levels of tolerance from everyone else, and give none in return. Their Mosques are popping up all of the US and the world, but just to admission that you are a Christian in a Muslim nation, can get you killed, and no one blinks an eye. It is there way or the “Bye-way” as in bye bye.

Inappropriate Behavior?

Representative Eric Massa has stepped down under allegations of inappropriate groping and other crimes. I think the Obama administration was behind his ouster from the start. I mean we had a president who got a BJ in the oval office, and we now want to throw this fellow out of office because he touched a male staffer in and inappropriate manner. GIVE ME A BREAK, this is DC, where we just legitimized sodomy. The real story, that no one is picking up on, is the man’s name. Think about it, Massa. Do you think our black president ever wanted to risk being in the situation, where he would be engaged in a conversation with Rep Massa, and he would have to respond with “you are correct Massa”. Say it over and over again, and let it roll off your tongue a few times and you’ll see what I mean. Wasn’t going to happen. Had to go.

Gay D.C

Wow, isn’t it a proud moment when our nation's capitol passes/approves/permits gay marriage. What more appropriate place for two homosexuals to get hitched than the center of all that is evil in our nation. Where is there a higher concentration of graft, corruption, and all that is found appalling to God and God fearing people, than D.C.? Note to those in a position of leadership, the USA should have an alternate place of government selected (aside from the secret compound) so that when God gets totally sick and tired of us and does the “Sodom and Gomorrah” deal on DC we don’t have to completely shut down. We could then quickly select a completely new group of criminals and derelicts to step in and take over the job of driving our nation to “hell in a handbasket”.

What does the minister (or person perpetrating the act) call the newly joined couple (boy joined, that provide a visual doesn’t it). I now pronounce you; bungholer and bungholee, alternate lifestyle nimrods, sodomizer and sodomizee. In the case of the couple featured on the MSNBC website today over the phrase “Same-sex couples tie knot in D.C.” it could have simply been “ I now pronounce you ugly and uglier”. But then that raise the question of whether sodomy is legal in our nation capital. Must be, after all it happens everyday to the American taxpayers. We had a saying when I was on the USS Eisenhower, BOHICA, which stood for “bend over here it comes again”. That must be a term on endearment between gays.

The decision to allow gay marriage in DC would cause the founding fathers to roll over in their graves, but for the danger that exposing your rear creates.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Killer Whale run amok

OK you have a Killer Whale that is connected to the death of 3 people. Granted one idiot was drunk and sneeked in to the area and was found dead. No eye witness, and it would be a completely circumstantial evidence case, and it's difficult to convict a human being under those circumstances much less a whale. Eye witnesses of the latest incident say she was grabbed and pulled in, while Sea World reps initially said she fell in. They really love that darn whale. Why not let him go, you know "free Willy"....but noooo he's worth too much money for breeding purposes. Money, money, money, the heck with the safety of those working around him, he's too valuable. So we lose a human or two or three, we can't take the financial hit from getting rid of him.

I seldom take the PETA side to anything, and I haven't read anything to indicate they would be in favor of release, but I say let him go. He's seems to be aggressive enough to survive in the wild, haul his butt out to sea and dump him. If it were my wife that died I would sue and demand that the entire board of director's suit up and go for a swim with him. Of course I'd probably want to sew some mackerel or squid to the outside of their suits.

Bork, bork.