“If you build it, they will come”, well if you promise free
crap they will vote for you. And they want free crap so badly they will buy any
argument. The economy was so badly damaged none could have fixed it. It’s all
George Bush’s fault. My dog ate my homework. The man hasn’t done crap for the
past three years but run for re-election, and yet one photo op with Christie where
he promised a whole bunch of stuff to NY and New Jersey, and all of a sudden he’s
a great leader. An exit poll question indicated that he was trusted over Romney
to better handle foreign policy issues. This after he just got four people
killed in Benghazi by refusing to increase security at the compound, and later to
send aid, all while jetting off to Las Vegas to campaign. That doesn’t set the
bar very high. But hey he’s gonna give me lots of free crap. Free crap that
someone else pays for. Duh!!
When you analyze the outcome of the election you realize
that we are now a one party system. Oh there are several parties that have
candidates, but only one will ever win. If Barrack Hussein Obama could not be
beat, no one could be. And why is that. Obama got 90 something percent of the
black vote. That is a racist, skin color vote pure and simple. If whites had
voted for Romney by that percentage we would have been declared racist. Blacks
vote by that percentage and they have united behind a common goal. Obama won
the majority of Hispanic voters. There is no move afoot to curb the influx of
illegals so that segment will only grow. There is a certain percentage of white
voters who are union and will vote democratic regardless of the candidate. The
same can be said for whites who have always voted democratic and can’t change
for any reason. Osama, were he alive, could run on the democratic ballot and
win. There is speculation as to whether Joe Biden will run in 2016, which at
first sounds crazy. But why not? Obama had a record to run on, a lousy one at
that, and still got elected. Joe would have no record to hold him back, plus he
will promise free crap.
If you believe the Bible, and I do, God appoints leaders
over us. We get the leaders we deserve, not the ones we need necessarily. Time
after time the Israelites would go against God and he would punish them through
the leader he selected for them. Our nation has been turning away from God, and
never more so than in the past four years. This election alone Maine and
Maryland became the seventh and eighth states to allow same-sex couples to marry, an issue supported by
Obama. Abortion is rampant and also supported by our newly re-elected
president. Abortion is some of the free stuff he likes to provide. They want to
give away free birth control pills so young women can have all the sex they want
and when we have an “oops moment”, here’s your federally funded abortion to
take of that little problem you have there. When you look at the sequence of
events, things were looking good for Romney until hurricane Sandy. Sandy was
the October surprise, as it was referred to by the media. In actuality Sandy
was a God thing. It in turn presented Obama with the opportunity to appear
presidential, and use Gov. Christie for a photo op and kind comments that was
noted by a large number of voters in exit polling. All of a sudden Benghazi,
which hadn’t been reported by the mainstream media to begin with, was off the
front page and hurricane relief courtesy of Obama was the main topic. As
previously noted, Obama had the black vote sewed up, Hispanics were in his
corner, unions and lifelong democrats were there, and then the undecideds whites
saw him appearing to care about the plight of those in the northeast and that
put him over the top. I say appear to care because I truly believe he only
cares for himself and getting reelected. That will become more and more
apparent as his second term continues and he sets out to finish the job he
started, that being the job of destroying the USA.
Days like today make me wish
I had a flag pole in my front yard so that I could fly the flag at half-mast.
It is truly a dark day for America.