Friday, September 7, 2012

Democratic Dysfunction

I have been away for some time, but who can resist commenting when you have the Democratic National Convention (DNC) as source material. Wow, what has happened to the party that I used to claim and that my mother and father always supported. Of course back when I was a democrat, I was so because my mother and father were, and I was too stupid to know better. Then I turned nine and changed party affiliations.

Well they were fired up in Charlotte. I hope everyone saw the vote to change the platform to add "God" and "Jerusalem as the capital of Israel". The measure required a 2/3rds majority to pass. After two voice votes that were about dead even, a lady stepped forward and whispered to the moderator to, in so many words, call for the vote, say it passed and let them do what they are going to do. Interesting to note as I watched on TV that some of those in opposition were wearing/holding "Arab American Democrat" shirts/signs. Hey now we know where the Jihadist vote is. Firmly behind their "closet Muslim" President.

Democrats, and the Justice Department, are also very upset about all the attempts by Republicans to limit the number of dead people who vote in this coming election and limit the number of times that a dead person, or anyone else for that matter, can vote. The concept of one person one vote seems foreign to the Democrats. When States have passed laws that require an photo ID to vote, those states have been sued by the Federal Government. Requiring a picture ID is too burdensome. When the Democrats offered for sale various souvenirs, they required people to prove they were democrats by, guess what, showing ID. You can't make this crap up.

Oh, then there is poor downtrodden Sandra Fluke. A young lady who, along with classmates, suffered financially because they could not get free birth control pills. Apparently Georgetown Law students are very sexually active and cannot be bothered to; a. buy their own, b. make the guy wear a condom, c. afford to purchase a condom to provide to their suitor, or d. abstain. Nuff said, I can't believe she was a main player. Barack Hussein Obama is only half finished with his quest to destroy the USA, he needs four more years to finish the job. And with idiotic support like Ms Fluke he just may succeed.

The last two nights had President Bill "Bubba" Clinton, Joe Biden and Obama himself onstage. Bubba gave a rousing speech about how no one, not him or any President every, (he didn't specify but I believe he included Batman, Superman and the entire Justice League), could have fixed the mess that George Bush created, in only four years. Thus Obama needs four more years, and then Hilliary will need at least four but more likely eight, and so on and so on. They will be blaming George Bush until the Lord returns. In fact if you can't get an erection it's probably not Erectile Dysfunction, and most likely George Bush's fault, and you probably qualify for free Viagra from Uncle Sam. I must admit I didn't listen to much that Clinton had to say, he's one of the biggest liars we had in the office. And after he used the Oval office as his personal romper room, I lost any respect I might have ever had for the man. Yet people embrace him and think he is one of the greatest that ever filled the position. He is a silver tongued devil. I mean anyone who can talk a person into doing what was done, where it was done, could sell ice to an Eskimo.

I saw a few minutes of Biden's sales pitch. When he conjured up the fake tears, getting all choked up over the sacrifice our Military has made (don't get me wrong, tears are justly deserved) I couldn't take any more. By the time Obama took the stage my BS full meter was pegged. I heard a report that he stated we are getting back to work. Well I'm sure the Federal Reserve and the Food Stamp printing presses are running overtime. Look at the numbers Mr. President, if they look good it's only because people have completely given up on looking for a job. 

I became a Republican long ago when I realized that they want me to succeed, and want me to better myself, so that I don't rely on the government to take care of me. The more I succeed the more taxes I pay. Sort of a win win situation. The Democrats want a few people to work and make a butt load of money, and pay a butt load of taxes, so that everyone else can be taken care of by the government. That way everyone being taken care of is quite likely to vote to keep he who is doing the taken care of, in office. In Obama's perfect world we'd have one guy making 400 gatrillion, bazillion, million dollars (that is a 4 and about 64 zeros), then we'd tax him at 99% and everyone else would sit on his butt and a be taken care of from cradle to grave, and do nothing but bitch because that guy wasn't making more money.